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araya anra

araya anra

PSYCHIC MEDIUM | ENERGY Master | Spiritual/Life Coach

the dragon lady | Author | speaker | TEACHER

Araya is the author of The Dragon Within and affectionately known as The Dragon Lady to many of her friends and clients, as she has a unique relationship with the Dragons that allows her to guide others who experience the Dragons to understand them, connect with them, be healed by them and even wake up to their own Dragon Self.

Araya began her spiritual journey of awakening in 1994 after spending 10 days learning the art of meditation at a Buddhist monastery in Southern Thailand. This experience was the 180-degree turn that has led to so many others since then.

She began teaching and sharing meditation in 2003. In 2007, Araya had a monumental shift and turning point in her journey with the activation of her connection to her DragonHeart Self.

That fall she was able to bring through a tremendous guidebook to work with the dragons – The Dragon Within – which has facilitated new levels of opening for all of its readers.

Now, after many years of teaching and expanding herself, she has a deeper understanding of the connection between Mother/Father God, the Angelic Realms and the Dragons. She facilitates individual and group programs to help others expand into their own connections with these realms, particularly the Dragons.

For the past 5 years, the Dragons have inspired her Way of the DragonHeart and Quantum Flight Programs to assist those of Dragon Lineage, be they DragonHearts, DragonRiders or DragonKeepers, to fully merge with that highest aspect of themselves and step into who they Truly BE.

Reno, NV, USA


The Dragon Within | Araya Anra | New Earth 5D Sync Project
Author of The Dragon Within, a history and guidebook to working with the Dragons, published 2007 and available in eBook or print formats in 3 languages.
Divining with the Dragons Oracle Deck | Araya Anra | New Earth 5D Sync Project
Author/Creator of Divining with the Dragons Oracle Deck, nominated Best Oracle Deck International Tarot Foundation CARTA Awards 2022 and winner Runner Up Best Debut Artist